Crispbread "Crispbread - Well done" wheat-rye

"Molodets "is a leader in the production of crispbread in Russia, working in the market of healthy food since 2001. Molodets has two factories in the Rostov Region. The company uses innovative technologies that are intellectual property of Molodets to produce products.
Company mission: inventing new, we create only natural products for modern life!
These breads are produced using a unique innovative production technology, this is know-how that has no analogues in the world. The grain heats up sharply to a temperature of about 140 degrees. For a short period of heat treatment - a split second - living grain turns into a finished product. At the same time, the beneficial substances of the grains are stored in the maximum volume!
In addition, the recipe is selected in such a way as to create a thin and crisp bread. It is a 100% natural product that does not contain chemical additives. All the properties of the "living" grain are preserved due to the minimum heat treatment time.
Why do vitamins and iron help you be energetic?
During physical activity, fitness, the need for iron increases, as the formation of hemoglobin and vital enzymes increases.
Bread rolls contain not only the trace element iron, but also a complex of vitamins that contribute to its absorption. Vitamins are involved in energy metabolism reactions in the nervous system and muscle tissues (vitamin B1), increase performance and endurance (vitamin PP). Whole and sprouted wheat grains enrich Fitness Line bread with natural fiber, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus. Bread bars Fitness Line Iron plus are necessary for an active lifestyle.
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